Knowing Operative Zone for Independant Wisdom Movement (KOZ 4 IWM)

by Jean-Baptiste Lockhart Michaut alias jbTrendy & Ex jeanTox

dimanche 29 avril 2012

An Overview of $cientology by Michel Snoeck !!!

Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2012
Voici un lien très intéressant sur la Sciento :

Wise Old Goat searching in the looking-glass
Scientology® Research Project
Wise Old Goat searching in books
Composed of studies that have been instigated since basically April 2003. I released my last planned extensive project relating to Scientology in mid-September 2007. My initial final 2 pages I released mid-November 2007. In essence this project had been finished in 2007. Updates will however continue to be implemented, also additions of importance will be added from time to time. A last unexpected although vitally necessary extensive treatise saw its release in August 2010. At present this research project consists of a total of 1178 pages of information if printed, and 211 pop-up windows (another +400 pages if printed).
The range of the topics addressed is very wide. However that which has turned to be a ‘backbone’ of my research is the timeline/chronology found at “The whereabouts of L. Ron Hubbard” (see at ‘6. ‘New Order’ or ‘New World Order’ concept project’). A simple culmination of and a holding up of most of the other topics tackled at an earlier date and that effectively puts matters into place. The ultimate purpose for publishing all these researches is for the sake of education, the killing of rumours, clearing up a large array of misconceptions, and opposing deliberate misrepresentations. With a final evaluation released as “Overview of Tech changes during 1978-82 versus A lost Bridge”.
This Scientology Research Project has been written in the English language, however various persons have taken the initiative to translate various parts of my pages into other languages. I have made these available or direct to them in an ‘International section - Translations’ page.

search engine by freefind
(search does not include the contents of pop-up windows;
you can search for exact wording by surrounding your phrase with quotes: " ")
Latest updates, revisions, additions can be tracked at link History of this site.
Click on Expand to Expand respectively on Collapse to Collapse
   1. General overview, introduction, and common misconceptions clarified
   2. Various subjects of general interest
   3. Responses to my Scientology pages
   4. Alterations  (LRH or non-LRH?)
   5. Subjects surrounded with controversiality
   6. ‘New Order’ or ‘New World Order’ concept project
 (a):  Predictions, Copyrights, Conspiracies & Then and now
 L. Ron Hubbard vs A New Order (1) - (The subject of Scientology under attack) 
(Includes:  ‘Ron's Journal 67’;  ‘Black Dianetics’; ‘Brainwashing Manual’;  ‘Affirmations’;  ‘Nibs’ Hubbard, ‘Bare-Faced Messiah’ etc..)
 The copyrights issue and related matters (direct link)
 The whereabouts of L. Ron Hubbard chronology (direct link)
(Years 1972, 1977 & 1982;  Remote-Viewing Program;  Sec Checking;  Snow White;  Hymn of Asia;  SO #1 Line;  RPF;  Flag Land Base;  Music & Cine;  1978 new tech;  E-Meter;  Witch hunts;  Breaks Silence;  FPRD, etc..)
 (b):  Changes in the flow of ‘information’, before and after
 L. Ron Hubbard vs A New Order (2) - (Administrative and Tech issues; proposals to solution) 
(Includes:  The Qual Library;  Scientology books written by others;  Criteria for new releases (written materials & tape recordings);  Scientology Policy Directives;  Knowledge Reports;  Source Information Retrieval; etc..)
 Treatise of the ‘Primary Rundown’ (PRD) (includes overview ‘Key to Life course’) (direct link)
 Tracking the history of Fast Flow Training (part of PRD study)
 ‘Golden Age of Tech’ (GAT) analysis (direct link)
 An overview of drilling in Scientology (part of GAT study)
 Overview of Tech changes during 1978-82 versus A lost Bridge (direct link)
(Includes:  Standard Dianetics (St Dn) vs New Era Dianetics (NED);  Consequences of NED;  NOT's etc..)
   7. David Mayo project  (Definition of Clear - NED for OT's - Training Routines - The Bridge)

Selection of interesting popup windows used in above pages:
General information:
   Scientology: HASI contract (1954)
“A Brief Biography of L. Ron Hubbard” (1959)
“Essential Information Every Scientologist Should Know” (1963)
‘A Report to Members of Parliament on Scientology’ (1969)
“The Church of Scientology CREED” (1970)
Release notes: ‘Old red volumes’ (1976)
‘Genius’ (definition of) (1980)
By L. Ron Hubbard:
   ‘The Golden Ball’ (ca 1952)
‘The work was free’ (1957)
“Five Years” (1965)
“The Anti-Social Personality” (1966)

“The Social Personality” (1966)
‘A Summary on Scientology For Scientists’ (1969)
“Full Tech From 1950 Is Back in Use” (1970)
“Vital New Breakthrough; Superliteracy” (1972)
“Code of a Scientologist” (1973)
By Mary Sue Hubbard:
   “The way Ron works” (1955)“The Saint Hill Course” (1964)

Copyright © 2007, 2008  Michel Snoeck.  All rights reserved.
This page revised: 5 May, 2011
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